Friday, September 17, 2010

Women's B-ball

I was glad to see that the WNBA finally got a headline story on ESPN. Of course, it was the game that won the championship. In most areas, I would say better late than never, but I must say that I wish that the WNBA got more coverage. Women's basketball is a slightly different game stylistically than men's basketball, but I also know that it is the same game. Sure, fewer women can pull off a highlight dunk, but I know that I have seen some pretty amazing plays in all of the women's basketball I have watched over the years. Dunking is not the only play that is worthy of a highlight, but I feel like it is too often emphasized as the most exciting play during gameplay. Honestly, you never hear about the WNBA, but these women are extremely talented. The WNBA has been around for over a decade now, and I feel like it's finally time that they get some respect not only for their extraordinarily talented women but also for being able to survive as a viable organization. My congratulations go out to the newly crowned champion, and hopefully the league will be able to continue operating and elevating the game for women who want to play after college.
Photo  by Don Nunn on Flickr

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