Saturday, August 21, 2010

TO Bias

I think that it is interesting reading a story from a different perspective. Many of you remember that little situation that arose between Terrell Owens and the Philadelphia Eagles. Owens was upset because he had had a great season and been the hero in the playoffs, but he never got the raise he wanted. Of course, I think that it is a little bit ridiculous to complain about making $3,000,000 a year to play a game, but whatever, we have to move beyond that. To make a long story short, Owens held out, eventually rejoined the team, got hurt, and eventually got himself suspended for the end of the season. Now, think about your perception of Owens. Now, I want you to go to the Dollar Tree in Berlin, Vermont and pick up the book Next Question. You may recognize the author, Drew Rosenhaus, who is better known as the agent of Owens among many other NFL players over the years. Here you will see a different perception of what went down. I have to admit that I think that Rosenhaus is incredibly biased in his account of the fallout, but now I am influencing you. Anyway, for a dollar, it is an interesting read so far. I had never read a book by an agent before, but I feel like he is trying to get me to sign on to a contract with Owens. I'll let you know once I break down the dollars and cents whether I would sign my name on the dotted line.
Photo by Navin75 on Flickr

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